Real Estate Articles

What is real estate? What constitutes the category? How do you get it? Learn through real estate articles about all things real estate. Generally, real estate is buildings. These buildings can be homes, businesses, detached, or attached to one another. The buildings can range from the smallest to the largest. What buildings you own is reflected in your property taxes. Dealing with real estate involves lots of paperwork. Whether you are listing a home or business or buying one, there is contracts to deal with. These contracts are binding and ensure that the real estate agent and their client are represented fairly and their choices in matters are final. Contracts are a major part of obtaining real estate. Also, they are a major part in getting rid of it. When you go about purchasing or selling property, a real estate agent is involved. Once you have a contract to purchase a home, a lender and closing attorney now are part of the process. Now, matters such as buying or selling can be done without the help of a realtor. But, by not having one handy, either party runs the risk of a job half done. Maybe, something comes up that neither party now how to handle. Then they are at the mercy of a third party giving instruction. Lastly, why use a real estate agency to help you accomplish your goals? Other real estate articles will tell you to try it by yourself, but that's a disservice to you! Because, there are lost of factors that someone just "trying it for themself" can over look or just don't know about. Using a real estate office will ensure proper guidance through any real estate venture.

Local Market Report Update May 2023 Market Report Welcome to the May 2023 Market Report Firstly, we may be going through somewhat of a drought here in the Eastern Panhandle, but that doesn’t mean the real estate market is as well! Over the past weekend, ERA Liberty was booming with contracts so there is hope for a recovering market. The May 2023 market […]
Real Estate Articles What are your Dream Home Features? What makes a home the perfect home and what makes a dream home? One is based in reality and the other is, well, more so fantasy. But that’s perfectly fine! Keep a tight hold on those lotto house aspirations and your dream home and all its dream home features just may be on your horizons! […]
Local Market Report Update April 2023 Market Report Welcome to the April 2023 Market Report Warm weather is finally here! The birds are chirping at obnoxious morning hours, the random fireworks exploding has started, and the populous have started to forget how to drive safely due to nice day exposure. In true West Virginia weather fashion, the real estate market is acting like […]
Home Advice Summer Cleaning Yeah, we still have to do summer cleaning. The season is practically designed for us to want to do anything else other than pick up the mop and bucket and get to scrubbing down the bathroom. We all know that not a soul wants to do some summer cleaning, yet we all love that feeling […]
Curb Appeal Corner Curb Appeal Without Breaking the Piggy Bank If your home is lacking curb appeal and you want to improve it without spending a fortune. You’ve come to the right place! There are so many DIY projects and simple changes you can do to improve your homes look without breaking the bank! Here are just a couple ways to get you started.  Painting […]
Curb Appeal Corner Getting Your Outdoor Space Ready for Warm Weather Now that it looks like warm weather is here to stay, you’ll want to get your outdoor space in tip top shape! We’ve got a couple tips to get your outdoor space looking great and ready to entertain.  Landscaping and Clean up Start the clean up process by getting rid of leaves. Remove all leaves […]
Local Market Report Update March 2023 Market Report Welcome to the March 2023 Market Report The close of another Winter season poses a lot of questions: Will they do away with Daylight Savings Time finally? How hot will this coming summer be? Will the real estate market pick back up? That is the real question as we get into the March 2023 Market […]
Real Estate FAQs Negotiating Real Estate Like a Pro Getting into a contract can be tough and tedious work, but we want to ensure you get the home of your dreams. Here are a few must know tips to have you negotiating real estate like a pro! Pre-Approval Letter Firstly, having a pre-approval letter is essential when negotiating real estate like a pro. This […]
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Home Advice Real Estate FAQs Answered and Explained Are you looking to buy or sell your home but you need some questions answered first? No worries, we have the most commonly asked real estate FAQs answered and explained here! Real Estate FAQs Answered: Q: Can I buy and sell a home at the same time? A: Yes, you can buy and sell a […]
Home Advice Moving Checklist with All of the Essentials Are you moving into a new home soon? Some things need to be considered. We’ve got the best moving checklist with all of the essentials to get you situated in no time!🏠 Important Tasks to Complete Before Moving In ✔️The first order of business on the moving checklist is to get the utilities turned on. […]
Home Advice Picking Out Paint Colors for Your Home Spring is right around the corner, which is the perfect time to break out your paint brush! Even though there are a few weeks before you’ll want to start painting, it’s not too early to start picking out paint colors and get a game plan down. Take the following tips below into consideration when getting […]
Home Advice Start Your Garden Indoors By Planting Seeds Now Want to have a flourishing garden this year? Then it’s time to start your garden indoors by planting seeds! To have a successful garden you want to ensure you have the correct knowledge to get started off planting your seeds. Having a garden can be a lot of work, but if you care for it […]
Home Advice Tips to Selling Your Home Fast So, it’s time to make a move? No worries, we’ll help you get your home sold and into your next residence quicker than you can turn around! Follow these tips below to make selling your home fast as possible! Hire a professional Real Estate Agent A professional Real Estate Agent will ensure that your home […]
Home Advice Easy to follow steps for the Home Buying Process You may think the first step to buying a home is finding a REALTOR® or finding the home you want to purchase. However, the most imperative step in the home buying process is talking to a lender to determine what your budget is. Once you’ve gotten your pre-approval letter, you’re ready for the marathon! Don’t […]
Home Advice Which Down Payment is Right for You? We are always told that you need a twenty percent down payment for a home. When it comes to Conventional financing, it was a must, but neither of these statements are true. Yes, it is better to put more money down on a home. This eliminates the need for PMI (private mortgage insurance that will […]
Home Advice Winter Weather Home Tips Winter is here! Are you and your home prepared for the white menace…the dreaded snow and ice? Stocking up on rock salt and sand or making sure the snow blower starts are just basic things that need to be done. While those are important tasks that need to be done, there is plenty more to […]
ERA Liberty Events Thanksgiving Traditions to Try Feel the need to change up your Thanksgiving Traditions? Have no fear… new tradition ideas are here! Whether your family is growing and you need to switch it up or if you just want some fun ideas. You’ve come to the right place! There are so many ways to keep your family having fun throughout […]
Home Advice Conserving Heat & Energy Around Your Home Imagine a blustery cold day. You want to stay indoors in your comfy, toasty home with the heater cranked up to 76 degrees. It’s all fine and dandy until you get your power bill…then it hits you…right in the wallet. Maybe turning up the heat isn’t the only way you can stay warm and comfy […]
Home Advice Prepping your Pets for the Move There are a billion things going on when you are packing up to move out of your home and into a new one. You are making lists and checking them twice, but don’t forget about our furry four-legged friends! Making sure everything is in order for them is just as important as doing the same […]
Home Advice Spruce Up Your Basement Space Now that cooler weather is upon us, what better way to spend your free time than getting your basement tidied up and ready for more use during the colder months. Basements are one of the most versatile areas in your home and offers so many different usage opportunities. Gym nut? Make it a home gym. […]